Hosea 10: The Lord's Judgment Against Israel

Clearly God wants to make sure Israel (and us) get the point.  The repletion of sin, judgment and impending punishment have a purpose.  Read all of chapter 10 (Hosea 10: 1-15).

É       In verse 1, what did Israel do with the worldly things they achieved?

É       In verse 13, what did Israel rely on?

Jennie Allen writes:

Money and a good latte protect us from a lot of things.  It is too easy in this country for blessings to become rights, for stuff and money to become what calls the shots in our lives.  And before we know it, God’s gifts have replaced God himself.  7

People, stuff, perfectly crafted houses and lives were never meant to help what hurts.  In fact, the more we build everything just right, the more protective we get of it 8

As in Hosea’s time, we must recognize that worldly security, prosperity and comfort do not save us.  They do not bring people to God, in fact they often make it more difficult to seek God.  Think about time is your life when everything is clicking and you feel like you might have this thing figured out.  In those times it is not as easy to go to God and rely on Him as the true source for lasting security, prosperity and comfort.  As verse 13 states, we have eaten the fruit of lies and trusted in other things.  God, let us always acknowledge you and not let the successes of this world fool us into believing we can take care of ourselves.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.  (Ephesians 2:8)

É       What does verse 12 tell us to do?

We need to “plant the seeds of righteousness” and “break up our unplowed ground” (NIV), “Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you” (New Living Translation).  We need to prepare ourselves for God’s righteousness to be planted in us.

É       What in your life needs to be broken up and plowed?  Reflect this week on what you can do to get your life ready for God to do a good work in it. 

The Geared Toward Growth Hosea study 9 lays out a comparison of today’s attitude from verses in Hosea chapter 9 and 10, along with God’s viewpoint on these things:

Today’s Attitude
God’s Viewpoint
Hosea 9:7  - The prophet is a fool. 
“Well, I mean, he takes religion too far.”
1 Corinthians 1:25 – The foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
Hosea 9:10b – They loved the detestable thing.
“You’ve only one life to live, so you might as well have a good time.”
John 3:19 – The light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light.
Hosea 9:15 – Gilgal – where the trouble started. (Appoint us a king…like all the nations)
“What’s the harm?  Everybody’s doing it.”
2 Corinthians 6:17 – ‘Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them’, says the Lord.
Hosea 10:1 – The more his fruit increased, the more alters he built.
“We’ve never had it so good.”
Matthew 6:19 & 20 – Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth….but lay up treasures in heaven.
Hosea 10:3 – A king – what should he do for us?
“So what?  I’m alright!  I don’t need a crutch.”
Revelation 3:17 – You say, ‘I am rich, I have prospered and I need nothing – not knowing that you are a wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked.’
Hosea 10:4 – They utter more words – empty oaths.
“This soap will make your skin cleaner and softer than any other offer.”
Psalm 51:6 and John 14:6 – Thou desirest truth in the inward being.  Jesus says, ‘I am the truth.’
Hosea 10:14 – You have trusted in military might.
“Scientific man has educated himself past a need for God.”
Proverbs 3:5 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not rely on your own insight.

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