Hosea 4: The Lord's Case Against Israel

In the first three chapters we see Hosea’s relationship with Gomer.  The good, the bad, the ugly and the redemption.  In the remainder of Hosea we will see God’s application of the message. 

Let’s enter the courtroom and read Hosea 4:1-9.

É       What is there none of in the land (v.1)?  What is present (v2)?

So many of the Ten Commandments were broken according to the first two verses.  They are severely missing the mark.  In verse 6 we see that they have also rejected knowledge...they don’t know God.  We like to think we don’t intentionally reject knowledge.  How can we make sure we gain, rather than reject, knowledge?  The book of Proverbs has many lessons on knowledge.  Here are a few…
É       Read Proverbs 1:7.  What is the beginning of knowledge?

É       Read Proverbs 2:6.  Where does knowledge come from?

É       Read Proverbs 19:2.  What is no good without knowledge?

That last one really speaks to me.   I can’t even tell you how convicting Proverbs 19:2 is to me.  My journal is full of entries about me jumping into things.  I am a doer and I like action.  I get fired up – often over good, Godly things – and just want to do something or see something happen.  But I don’t wait, go to God with it, and listen for His direction.  As the NIV reads, “Desire without knowledge is not good— how much more will hasty feet miss the way!”  My hasty feet have definitely missed the way.

É       What about you…have you ever let your hasty feet lead you astray?

There are quite a few references to discernment and knowledge.  See Proverbs 14:6, Proverbs 15:14 and Proverbs 18:15. 

É       What does it mean to be discerning?

The American Heritage Dictionary2  defines discernment as “The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment.”  Hebrews 5:14 (English Standard Version) states that “But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”  We have to constantly practice distinguishing good from evil.  We know that God is good and everything that is good is from God.   Only by studying the Bible, the Word of God, can we learn what is good and become discerning and gain knowledge.  James 1:5 tells us that “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” 

Let us join Solomon in his pray for wisdom, discernment, judgment in 1 Kings 3:9 that pleased God… “Here's what I want: Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil. For who on their own is capable of leading your glorious people?" (The Message).
In our search for wisdom and discernment we may discover that sometimes things we are engaging in may not even necessarily be bad on their own, until they get in the way of our relationship with God.  Our Bible study group recently finished a Nehemiah Bible study by Kelly Minter3 and there was a great quote on this topic:
"If the end result is not the love of God and the love of others, what lies inside the lines of permissible is no longer beneficial." (Kelly Minter, Nehemiah study)

É       Are there things in your life today you are currently doing that may be permissible, but for you personally – because of your past or your circumstances or how it impacts your life -- may not beneficial?  Are there things you are tolerant of or even participate in that may not be beneficial to your relationship with God?

Recall back to our overview of the kings and the downfall of Solomon in his old age.  He married many foreign wives, which was forbidden from God.  He tolerated their idol worship and later even built places of worship for them and later went even further to participate in the rituals.  It is a slippery slope and we need to be very aware.

Verses 4-9 in Hosea speak a lot about the corruption and failure of the priests.  We should be careful about relying on others for knowledge.  The acquiring of knowledge should be something we seek, discerning people and resources we use for inputs and ensuring it is in sync with the Bible – God’s word on knowledge.

Let’s conclude chapter 4 by reading Hosea 4:10-19.

The Geared Toward Growth study guide on Hosea 4 highlights the source and result of Israel’s sin as outlined in these verses:

                The source of Israel’s sin                                          The result of Israel’s sin                              

                They have forsaken the Lord………………….             They have turned to other gods

                They are drunk with wine……………………..               They have lost their understanding

                They trust in superstitions…………..…………              They are led astray

                They have become bad examples…………                Sin is carried on by their children

É       Write a prayer to gain knowledge and make changes in our lives to prevent the associated results in our lives, and potentially the lives of our children and others we have influence over.

There seems to be so much frustration in these verses that they just don’t get it.  They can see and blame others, but not see themselves as the prostitutes being unfaithful to their one true God.  They are probably even laughing at and mocking Hosea and his family situation while he is preaching his warnings to them.  God, please help us to not be blind to ourselves.

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