Hosea 5: The Failure of Israel's Leaders

Still in the courtroom, chapter 5 takes us to the judgment.   Let’s read the entire chapter, Hosea 5:1-15.

The message is for everyone…the priests, the people (Israelites), the royal house.  

É       Look at verse 4.  What are the reasons they do not return to God?

Our deeds, or current actions can keep us from returning to God.  There are some things we may not be willing to give up.  Our arrogance/pride also keeps us from returning. 

Verse 6 says that they seek the Lord, but do not find Him…He has withdrawn Himself from them. 

É       Look at Proverbs 1:28-30.  What causes seekers to not find God?

It goes back to knowledge and fear of the Lord.  How time and time again can we reject knowledge?  How can we let our pride, or our sins, or our personal kingdom building keep us from what, as Christians, we know we want and need….God’s grace and protection and kingdom?  Sometimes we would rather not know something because that knowledge will often make us face things we don’t want to face.  But not knowing what is right and true does not make it no so.  Through studying the Bible – God’s words to us – and Bible studies like this we can be sure we get knowledge.  We have to work to KNOW God.  Our challenge will be to desire that knowledge and then to not ignore what we learn, but instead translate that knowledge into our actions and daily living.

Verses 7 -14 tell of the punishment that is to come. 

É       In verse 14, who will carry them off?

As we saw in the timeline overview, it won’t be long before the Assyrians conquer Israel and exile them, but in this verse God makes it clear that it is He who is in control.  We, like Israel, can choose to accept knowledge and make changes or we can face the consequences that will surely come – this is a message for Israel and for us today.

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